Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health Tip:Less Sleeping of teenagers

If you are getting less than four or five hours of sleep every night and wake up early the next day almost seems to be the norm for many teenagers. This sleep problem can be zap your energy, reduce study concentration and damage your mood also.

Dr Toh Song Tar says that "studies have shown that "people who sleep at least seven-eight hours of sleep have lower mortality rates than those who sleep less than four hours at night."

Teenagers Should have get at least nine hours of sleep at night, otherwise their physical growth may be affected. Because during sleep, the body releases a growth hormone at night and it is important for the teenagers.

Causes for teenagers for less sleep:-
  •    Watching late-night television stress.
  •    Online chats with friends.
  •    Worrying over unfinished business.
  •    Playing video games late at night.
 So Take at least eight hours of sleep at night.

Have a Healthy Life..!!!!

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